Thursday, December 27, 2012

You are who you are.... OWN IT

I am thoroughly over extra fakes. You are who the fuck you are..... OWN IT ALREADY! I mean seriously. The fakeness has taken an all new low.

If you're a hoe. Be the best hoe you can be. The only time that you should be concerned about your permiscuity is right before you go to the Dr. to ensure that you free and clear to continue hoeing.

If you are a bitch, ensure that you are the biggest cunt out. Don't let someone out bitch you. Don't pretend to be nice to gain a vast audience, just be a bitch, some people like that shit.

If you're the nice one. Don't be mean so that people don't walk all over you. You're the nice one for a reason, normally you're friends with the bitch, let her handle less than favorable assholes.

What i am trying to say is be who you are no matter where you are.... Don't change because one person would find you more attractive or "better" if you were to change. The character flaw is within themselves. If they want you to stop being a hoe, they probably aren't good in bed. If they don't want you to be a bitch, they probably don't have a spine to handle your bullshit. If they think that you are too nice, it's probably because they are a dick and are tired of looking like the bad guy for treating you like shit.

All in all, each of us hold the traits neccessary for survival. Before you think, "I need to change something about myself".... Think, "I made it this far in life because I'm awesome and because I am the...... "

In life we stumble upon several different kinds of people. It's within those individuals that we learn that who we are makes us unique.... Makes us individuals.

The next time I meet someone that tries to fake who they are, I'm going to smack them in the goddamn face.... because I am "The Bitch" and that's what we do..... My friend "The Nice One" will make you feel better about the situation afterwards.

Encouraging you to be you.


Your Personal Madam

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