Saturday, December 1, 2012

Shall we shed some light upon the topic of D.B.B.D's ???? For those of you unfamiliar with the achronym allow me to spell it out for you and get you up to speed... DEAD BEAT BABY DADDY'S.... ((((CHURCH)))) Now, before I get to preaching.... and I will.... This isn't directed to single fathers, or single fathers who's baby mama's are impossible, I get it those bitches can be ratchet... A D.B.B.D. is a sorry pathetic excuse not just for a man but for a "Dad".... You know the type... Like when they first tell you they have a baby on the way, you get a look on your face of shock, like you just shit your pants and don't wanna tell anyone you did it.... Like really God, of all the gifts you could have given the world, you made HIM a Dad?

Let me direct the next paragraph to those D.B.B.D's reading this blog right now..... If you don't know what color your child's eyes are.... You don't know what their favorite snack is... What cartoon shuts them up for 15 minutes (long enough for mom to take a shower) You haven't seen your child in years.... You won't get a job cause "that bitch won't get you for child support"...... Kill yourself. Simple as that. Do the world a favor. Is there realllllly something so important missing from your life that you would neglect what should be your reason for living? (((coughing to clear my throat))) At least I know, that while I am living and breathing I will be able to do what your parent(s) couldn't with you... I'm going to raise mine as will the strong bad ass single mothers will, to be men.... A man like my father, unbreakable, unmistakably the best man in the entire world.

As much as we bitch about it though, not only are we, however the kids are better off.... I'd rather not have to spend the majority of my time trying to break the terrible habits they may pick up from D.B.B.D's... Like laziness.... Pick up your dirty underloo's off the floor... I don't get paid to do your laundry.... I only do it because I'm worried you would fuck up my washer....


  1. Ok I. Hear you loud and clear on this... this is a huge issue. That I see every day pos baby daddys... I'm giveing up to the men out there that are step dads who come in and take care of some other mans child like me... and I give it up for all the real men that take care of there kids. And they r not men if they can cum up in a woman but can't take care of what comes out they are little boys..

  2. AMEN (((CHURCH)))) you can come by and preach whenever you want Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is nothing more god fearing than the love of a parent (mother or father or step parent) I have men in my family that have raised their children solo dolo and are divorced and do it 50-50 props go to them as well.... This was in no way a bash to all men. Just the low life bottom feeding skank a dilly's with reproductive organs : ) xoxo Madam
