Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Yes I said it. W.W.P.D. - What Would Paula Do? In any situation where you feel as if you are stuck in a situation stickier that sheets that have been cummed on, just think "W.W.P.D?" It's basically an okay to do fucked up shit in a really fucked up situation.

For instance, you walk in on your significant other with another person. Most women would fume internally or flip shit, but not enough. If you would have channelled your inner Paula you would have drove down the road with a truck full of that man's clothes throwing them out the window, to turn around the block and do it again..... I've done it and let me tell you, it was as adventurous as it was freeing. I mean sure the end result was a brick through my windshield... But just the same, really the only thing you could do was throw a brick through my windshield??? I just decorated the street with your $300.00 jeans, in front of your friends and your bitch.... silly fucker, I one up'd your ass....

Say someone is talking shit about you online... You  know people like that... The facebook tough guys. Most mature individuals think "I'm not going to respond, because if I respond it is only going to worsen the situation, it will go away if I ignore it" Now if you would have thought "W.W.P.D?" After that bitch was making you look like trash, you would have responded... No you wouldn't have just responded. You would have verbally raped that bitch with a sincerity that would have left her on the phone with her mother sobbing until early morning. How dare that skank bash you online.... Bet she wouldn't say shit to you if you were in public. By not responding you are allowing her to bend you over, pull your hair and fuck you right in the ass.... Now, if you are into being treated like a $2.00 whore, by all means, allow her to continue her rant. However, I am a Madam, I don't get pimped out, I do the pimping. I would make her feel so low that she would temporarily "delete" her fb our of pure embarrassment.

Next situation.... We have all had this happen to us. We are at the bar. ((yup alcohol is involved)) So you know the girls who normally are so scared to yell at a girl they would rather publicly shit themselves and have it announced than get into an altercation, are all of the sudden a fuckin super hero. Her objective this evening is embarrass someone... Why not let it be you. You don't look very intimidating, she thinks she has this one in the bag so she starts shit with you for no reason. Being the mature adult, you ask her to walk away, she doesn't, so you have decided that you are going to avoid the drama and walk away yourself. Now, you may have done the mature "right" thing.... However if you would have "W.W.P.D?" you would have allowed her to finish her sentence, you may even allow her to finish her shot... When she does, you pop that bitch right in her mouth. I mean you punch her so hard you are hoping when you pull your hand back that you have a mouth full of dental work! Now you step back and think.... GODDAMN THAT FELT GOOD. Had you walked away, you would have been humiliated.

Next time you aren't sure quite what to do.... Just "W.W.P.D?"

If that doesn't work...... Let me know and I will "W.W.P.D?' For you..... Why you might ask? Because I am a goddamn vigilante!

Sticking up for every mother fucker who needs it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your personal Madam

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