Saturday, December 8, 2012

Extra Bitch? Or a Boss Bitch?

There is an epic event scheduled for this evening. It's my sissy poo's birthday party today and we are going to celebrate as all boss's do. REAL FUCKIN BIG. Now, I began thinking about being a boss, or an extra bitch and I figured that most girls don't even know they are an extra. I figured that it was my duty as the boss of all boss's to educate the masses as to your place in social food chain.

I will break these down by categories. First we will address what a boss does, because a boss never takes the back seat and expects to be talked about first. Then i will address the extra bitches. If you aren't really sure, NO ONE wants to be an extra bitch.... you aren't memorable.


The Boss, never and I repeat never, wears the same thing as another bitch when out. Reason for this is because if I am wearing the same thing as another bitch, one I am not original, two if the other bitch is an extra bitch, I am now being compared to an extra and that's completely unacceptable. Not only is the Boss a fashion inovator, but they rock clothing with and effortlessness unexplained. Boss's have it first. Rock it first and if we don't do it first it's not rocked at all.

An extra bitch typically waits to see what the Boss is rockin then imitates the look. An extra is worried about being the Boss but doesn't have the balls to step up the game to be first. The extra struggles with sexy and slutty. See it's okay to wear and open back, or a plunging neck line or short shorts or a dress. But not all at once. If you can't leave ANYTHING to the imagination, no one is going to want it.... They already see what you have.... A man needs to have something to chase,  that's why they call eachother "dog"....

Make Up

The Boss wears enough make up to cover imperfections. She also matches the make up with the ensamble. Different styles of make up for different occassions. Bar = Sexy Make Up, Family Even = Just enough to give you the pretty girl next door look, Work = Make up that is sensible less than the bar but more than a family event. It's done with tastefullness, but it's done in a way that everyone who encounters the Boss, finds her attractive.

An Extra bitch has one way of wearing her make up. TOO FUCKING MUCH. There is no happy medium, there is no question that her face color isn't natural because she has a line that follows her jaw line to her chin. Note to extra's: No man wants to take the girl with too much make up home.... He doesn't want that shit on his pillow cases and it scares him.


The Boss demands respect and is rightfully given to her. She is feared and prefers to be feared. If no one fears the boss, then people find themselves in situations where they talk any old way and when they talk any old way to other people, chaos breaks out. The Boss does not stand for chaos. Everyone in the boss's world knows the level of capability held by the Boss and with the respect of her, fear the what if I.....

The Extra bitch, gets no respect. Who can respect an extra when the extra can't respect herself. Nothing else left to say.

The Family

This section isn't related to like your "family" mom and dad... This section is related to the people that you roll with. The Boss is the head of the table.... She runs the show. By running the show she also ensures that The Family follows suit and ensures safety. Each member of The Family (or crew) has a specific placement and job to ensure that life runs smoothly for each other. This is very mob-esque. No one dare fuck with anyone of the The Family for the simple fact that they go every where together and if they aren't together at the very moment that chaos break out, are very much within moments of one another to make sure that business is handled appropriately.

The Extra Bitches family.... This is made up of women who are unstable. Flirt with each others man, and when one gets mad says well you can't really be mad at me because you guys weren't together.... Or i slept with your baby daddy because I wanted to show you how much of a deuche bag he is. There is no systematic roles in the extra family. No one has the ability to lead. No one has security in the crew because at any time they can replace each other. No one is ensured safety, because half the time if they are arguing or being disrespected its by one another.


The Boss knows who she is. Never questions herself and if she does she doesn't allow anyone else to know it. The Boss's atittude is this - You will respect me, I will not give you a choice. I am the definition of strength. A boss knows her self worth and doesn't allow other people to measure this for her. She will not stand for bullshit, she eliminates it with a snap of her fingers. The Boss does not negotiate the safety of her family and will now bow to another boss at any point in time.

The Extra Bitch has an attitude that she is better than others, but will cry at the drop of a dime in front of the world. Exploiting her insecurities. Leaving the world with an emotional buffet to ruin an Extra's whole life. The Extra is easily broken. Strength isn't in the Extras vocabulary and is used to settling because as the Extra really is without choice.


Before seperating the Boss's from the Extra's on this topic, allow me to explain this isn't just a topic on the Men in the sense of dating. This will range from Dad, Brother's, Friends, Baby Daddy's, and of course the Men we are dating.

The men in a Boss's life, are her equal. They are treated as such, and if they aren't worthy of the Boss's time, they become a figment of the passed and aren't in the Boss's life anymore. A man isn't superior to a Boss. Men need a Boss. A Boss is the matriarch. Without the Boss the family will crumble. She allows the men in her life to feel like men, she doesn't belittle them, she allows them to feel an empowerment and that they are strong. She doesn't hold them down, she holds them up.

An Extra bitch is ran by men. She is the peon. She strives to make her man feel like a man. Typically the extra gets NO respect from men. No matter who the man in her life is. She doesn't speak out and doesn't say no, because without a man in her life, feels incomplete.

The Message

The Boss's of the world, need you Extra's. This way when a man encounters a Boss, he knows the difference. What an Extra stands for his nothing of substance. She lives for the here and the now and for herself. The Boss is always living for the future and for the family's preseverance.

If you okay being an Extra Bitch and don't want to better yourself, get the fuck out of me and MINE'S way. We boss all day everyday. There isn't one thing in our lives that don't exude Boss.

Bossin isn't easy.... At least I make it look as such.

Your Personal Madam


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