Saturday, January 5, 2013

Smile baby, it's already a dreadful world.

There are difficult situations in which we all must overcome. The people in my life, are drawn to me when life gets difficult because I've persevered tribulations that most at 27 haven't encountered and can assure them that this isn't life ending, just altering. Sure, some days I'd rather just be to myself to process my thoughts, and think out my next move. But, I refuse, to allow those circumstances keep me down. I stop. Take a deep breath. Look in the mirror and say out loud "Smile baby, it's already a dreadful world."

The way I see it is that you have two choices. Either you can dwell on the bullshit served to you on a silver platter by Bruce Wayne's butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Or, you can decide to take it as an opportunity to further your greatness. The ability to overcome the greatest of obstacles will enhance your confidence.

There isn't any bridge that you will approach that someone before you hasn't already crossed. Stop feeling bad for yourself.

The "whoa as me" has become tired.... Try something new. I've heard several times in my life, "you're the strongest woman I know" and honestly, other than someone telling me that I am the funniest person they know, that is the ultimate compliment.

When you stumble upon a temporary moment in life, that you aren't sure that you can surpass, stop and think to yourself...... FUCK YOU!!!!!! I got this, I'm the only one with the control over what happens in my life. Situations, you don't always have control over. However, you have control over the decision that you will arrive to on how to handle the situations that you have been given.

There isn't anything so troublesome that you aren't mentally capable of bitch slapping. There isn't anything that owns you. There isn't anyone who decides your destiny. The next time life gets you down.....


Always remember, you got this......

Forever encouraging
Forever strong
Forever yours

<3 Your Personal Madam


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