Sunday, January 6, 2013

Key Signs You Shouldn't Be Dating That Nikka

Ladies, it's in our nature to keep pushing through the hard times... But if there are clear signs that are hypothetically screaming at you, to run forest mother fuckin run.... And you are staying, then you have a problem and I do believe that it is your families responsibility to step in. No dick is so good that you can't move onto the next....

How can I be sure that I am in a relationship that I need to keep it moving you may be asking...... No worries, I got this, I will be more than happy to give you a list..... If there are 5 or more that you can identify with, RUN BITCH RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Key Signs to look for:

-He lives still lives with his mom.... And she is sort of a cock block
-His Mom is going to be really pissed off that you are white
-He doesn't invite you to do anything.... This typically means that you are an embarassment to him...
-You have been dating for several months and he ist still using the excuse that he just isn't ready....
-Your better than him AND he knows it
-He genuinely doesn't believe he is good enough for you, and YOU AGREE WITH HIM
-Right now that lil dick is getting the job done, FOR NOW, but know he better get to spicing shit up
-He would rather go to the gym and sweat it out with a bunch of his boys, than hang out with you
-He is car-less
-He is jobless
-He still sleeps in until 2:00 in the afternoon.....
-You two have absolutely nothing to talk about so you have sex to conitnue feeling a connection with him
- When he calls you, you roll your eyes and make a noise like DO I REALLY HAVE TO ANSWER OR CAN I COME UP WITH A BELIEVABLE EXCUSE
- He texts you the same 4 messages everyday
- You know that you are smarter than he is
- You know a lot about him, but he knows nothing about you
- You haven't been able to catch him, but you're pretty certain he still has a "blankey"
- You thought you were having a conversation with him about his day until you realized that he has his head phones on and is playing the game talking to SugernSpice113 through the gaming station
- You can't wait until your on your period
- After your period you are really praying for a yeast infection
- You're hoping that the yeast infection turns into a UTI so that you have a solid few weeks that you don't HAVE to have sex with him
- The way he chews his food grosses you out
- You offer your first born as a sacrifice to the under Lord for him to find someone else to mooch off of
- Every morning that you wake up to go to work you try to be a super ninja not to wake his lazy ass up so that you don't have to kiss him goodbye or give him any morning sex because you would rather swallow razor blades

If you are only hanging out because it's a comfort..... Just remember if you fuck someone else at least it will be adventurous....

Educating the Masses

Your Personal Madam



  1. Wow. I can totally relate to quite a few of these. You really help me through a lot. Thank you so much.

    1. we can ALL relate to quite a few of these.... most women will be in denial
